Winter time, time to paint!

During this cold and rainy time of the year, it is the perfect momentum to paint outside using MCU Coatings. This period of the year provides you with the opportunity to carry out maintenance on civil artworks, playground equipment and other outdoor objects. The impact of cold and rainy weather very much defines the outcome of your paintwork and if it is even possible to execute it, but with MCU Coatings you can go right ahead!


Paint outside during winter months!

Yes, you can because with the unique coatings from MCU the painting season is extended considerably. MCU Coatings products are also easy to work with at low temperatures, they can be applied at a relative humidity up to 99% and even dry at temperatures down to minus 15 degrees Celsius.

The benefits of using MCU coatings:
  • Products are moisture-curing
  • All products contain 1 component, so easy to use
  • They an be applied using brush, roller or spray
  • They can be applied up to 99% humidity
  • No dew point restrictions
  • Moisture resistant within 30 minutes after applying
  • Long-term adhesion to steel and concrete


Are you already familiar with Alutopcoat?

Alutopcoat offers a perfect protection against UV light, weathering, corrosion and is very impact and wear resistant.
It is a flexible, one-component, moisture-curing, polyurea-based coating. MCU-Alutopcoat can be applied directly on: metal and non-ferrous surfaces, concrete, glass fiber reinforced polyester, metallized or galvanized surfaces, aluminum, stainless steel or on an existing coating


Possible applications:

Bridges, structural steel, work boats, offshore platforms, marine / port facilities, lift trucks and stackers, refineries, pulp and paper mills, pipelines, chemical processing plants, hydropower plants, water and water treatment stations.




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